So... MSX was a computer standard roughly around the same time the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 was around. It was mainly a hit in Japan but had some shaky showings in Europe (I remember mainly the Spectravideo offerings SVI-728/738). By the time MSX2 showed up as a souped-up standard the game was mostly up. I never saw any MSX2 machine in Europe outside music stores (maybe they had a great MIDI interface or something?).
Anyway. What better way to revive interest in old hardware than to launch a brand spanking new MSX2 shmup?
Caravan Boomer is coming early 2020 with pre-orders already accepted. The game is written in assembly language and features music from luminaries such as Shinji Hosoe (EspGaluda, Strret Fighter EX) and Masahiko Ishida (R-Type 2, Ninja Spirits). The game has two modes, normal and (ta-da!) caravan. There will be a limited physical release available for about 40€.