fredag 31 augusti 2018

Rejoice! Steel Empire is getting a Steam release

MegaDrive steampunk shmup Steel Empire got a port with 3D make-over on the Nintendo 3DS back in 2014 and will now make the jump to PC and launch on Steam on September 13th (EU).

If you would prefer to put a physical copy of this release on your shelf, it's still available on Amazon Japan.

I confess I already have the game for MegaDrive (or Genesis if you prefer) but I will still get this release, a great shmup.

torsdag 30 augusti 2018

RXN released today - get it now!

As scheduled, RXNs physical release is available from Play-Asia right now.

Upcoming shooters: Astro Tales and Flight of the Athena

Astro Tales, a vertically scrolling abstract shooter, claims to be "coming soon". Information is quite scarce but I believe it to be targeted at Windows - correction: its actually coming for iOS and Android.

Flight of the Athena is also a vertically scrolling shmup but with a release date TBC (and looking at the trailer, with one release window already missed) but targetting Steam, so again basically Windows.

FullBlast has a release date: September 5/7th

Way back on August 20th when I first reported on FullBlast it didn't have a release date yet, impressively it will launch on all supported platforms on September 5th and/or 7th. That's right. Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita will all get the game almost simultaneously in an impressive buckshot blast.

Rolling Gunner released

Rolling Gunner was released on August 10th and while being on my radar much of the news has been in Japanese (understandably, it's a Japanese shmup targeted at a very niche audience and until now no word of distribution outside its homeland).

But now, this horizontally scrolling shmup for PCs (Windows), has an actual physical release you can buy and have shipped anywhere in the world.

You can buy both the game and its soundtrack from Doujin Game Shop NANAPO's STORE.

If this is as good as it looks we're in for a good time!

torsdag 23 augusti 2018

RXN ~ Raijin ~ gets physical

There's just a lot of digital releases jumping into the real world right now and the latest is a Play-Asia exclusive, the Nintendo Switch shooter RXN ~ Raijin ~.

There will be a Standard Edition, 1000 copies available, and a Limited Edition of 3000 copies. Yeah, that makes no sense but the "Limited" is the meatier package and will contain:
  • physical game cart (region free)
  • collector’s box
  • printed game manual
  • 48-page-full-colour artbook
  • official steelbook with alternative art
  • numbered certificate

Sales start on August 30th, don't miss out, and if you want to go ALL IN you can even get the soundtrack of the game (right now) from the same place.

For those who keep count, that's 3 for 3. Play-Asia has revealed 3 physical Switch games and they are all shmups: Dimension Drive, Shikhondo and RXN. Respect.

onsdag 22 augusti 2018

Gunlord X for Switch being displayed

Message in full:
Want to see some more TURRICAN inspired action?
Come to the FACTOR 5 booth @ Gamescom 2018 in Halle 10.2 Retro Area to get an exclusive glimpse of Gunlord X for the Nintendo Switch provided by NG:DEV TEAM.

I'm stoked, such a great game! A run'n'gun already available for the Neo Geo MVS/AES and Dreamcast, it's great to see it leap to a current-gen system for a wider audience.

EDIT: Now also on NG:DEV TEAMs Facebook page.

Shikhondo: Soul Eater digital launch dates

According to most places, Shikhondo: Soul Eater - the Korean bullet-hell shooter available in physical form for PS4 and Switch exclusively from Play-Asia has gotten digital release dates too.

August 28th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and August 30th for the Nintendo Switch are the dates. If you prefer downloads to physical games, get your wallets out I guess. You can pre-order (and pre-download) on Xbox One right now.

måndag 20 augusti 2018

So, FullBlast is a thing

FullBlast is a vertically scrolling shmup coming to, well, everything: PlayStation 4 & Vita, Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch.

Even more amazing, it's been out for the Wii U since 2015!

This just swooped under my radar this whole time!

The Bug Butcher comes to Switch

Although The Bug Butcher has been out on Steam and PS4 for a couple of years it's due to arrive on Switch soon ("summer"). A fast-paced, cartoony run'n'gun with a distinctive style, it looks like it could be fun.

Unboxing video: Dimension Drive Limited Edition

I don't do videos, thankfully Radical Reggie does. A fellow shmup lover to boot.

Upcoming shooter: Astral Gunners

Astral Gunners page is live on Steam and is slated for a 2019 release. A horizontally scrolling bullet-hell shooter with mechas, it looks like a cool upcoming release. Follow the development on the website.

fredag 17 augusti 2018

Rigid Force Alpha launches August 31st

Rigid Force Alpha, a new side-scrolling shmup I talked optimistically about launching "soon" back in April, is launching on Steam on August 31st.

Hardcore is coming 2019

Strictly Limited Games has announced that an old abandoned DICE project, Hardcore, has been resurrected and will be released on both PS4 and PS Vita in 2019.

It looks like a fun run'n'gun to me.

fredag 10 augusti 2018

Terra Feminarum review and sale

I found a review of Terra Feminarum and thought I'd share it. It's a touhou-esque bullet hell shmup with a touch of Finnish mythology which makes it stand out. It's also 90% off(!) on Steam until the 14th of August.

UPDATE: Also available from

Iro Hero gets the Bullet Heaven treatment

Iro Hero has been quite popular since release but Bullet Heaven calls it like it sees it - and hands it a right spanking. I guess they can't all be winners. Besides the Nintendo Switch the game is also available on Steam.

torsdag 9 augusti 2018

SNK 40th Anniversary Edition - Ikari Trilogy Trailer

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection will be out in November for the Nintendo Switch.

Psyvariar Delta - Final Trailer

Hunter's Moon Remastered out now (digitally)

Hunter's Moon is a 1987 shmup from Thalamus for the Commodore 64.

Hunter's Moon Remastered for the (same) C64 was released in a digital version recently and a cartridge is coming later this year from Protovision.

What's new?
  • Over 180 levels spread across 21 Star Systems
  • New level types including Jumpgates and Blackouts
  • Trainer Version designed for novice players
  • All-new Random Mode to test seasoned veterans
  • Save your game progress direct to the cartridge
  • Stunning new intro and outro sequences
  • New in-game music and enhanced parallax starfield
  • Built-in Level Editor to craft your own cunning creations
  • Multi-language support for French, German, Italian, and Spanish
  • Bonus: Original 1987 version also included on the cartridge!
  • Full PAL NTSC compatibility (Remastered Version only)

The making of Hyper Sentinel

Huey Games have posted a five part series of articles cronicling the creation of Hyper Sentinel.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

tisdag 7 augusti 2018

Sine Mora gets Xbox One compatibility

For those of you who already had Sine Mora on the Xbox 360 and for some reason couldn't be bothered to get the Xbox One release of the game, Sine Mora EX - rejoice!

Sine Mora was just added to the backwards compatibility on Xbox One so your Xbox 360 copy of the game will run just fine on your shinier, newer Xbox.

I really like the game, especially with the Hungarian voice-work. Please change to Hungarian when you play it, ok?

Some pre-orders you don't want to miss; available from Play-Asia

That physical Psikyo Collection Vol.1 for Switch we talked about waaaay back in the middle of July is now available for pre-order from everyones favourite retailer (Play-Asia!).

And hot on the heals of the announcement itself, Ketsui for PS4 is also available for pre-order.

Sweet music to my ears!

Kraut Buster for MVS still available for pre-order.

As of right now there are still 8 units of NG:DEV.TEAMs upcoming run'n'gun Kraut Buster for Neo Geo MVS available to pre-order.

Ketsui on PS4 arrives November 29th

November 29th is the big date when Ketsui Deathtiny arrives on PlayStation 4. It will be a PSN release with 2 DLCs available at release: IKD 2007 Special (2007 CAVE Matsuri version) and VIRT (which is... a soundtrack remix? Google translate doesn't spell it out), DLCs priced at 800 yen a piece. The PSN version itself is 3700 yen.

EDIT: DLC number 2, the "VIRT thing", is definitely a remixed soundtrack.

There will also be a physical release(!) with the DLC included priced at 6800 yen.

I know which one I'm getting... ;)

söndag 5 augusti 2018

Wings of Bluestar kickstarts

It's been some time coming but the Wings of Bluestar Kickstarter is up.

As the kickstarter says:
WOB is a 2D hand drawn horizontal shoot'em up that combines core arcade gameplay with modern home console features.

A playable demo is available.

I know I'll be kicking in some money for a copy.

fredag 3 augusti 2018

Touhou Azure Reflections to launch on Switch

Touhou Azure Reflections, another player vs. player bullet-hell shmup is launching on the Nintendo Switch on August 30th in Japan.

It launched on PlayStation 4 earlier this year.

After playing Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet I can confidently say I don't like this style of gameplay - but to each his own!

Cycle 28 available on Switch

Pill Bug Interactive has released Cycle 28 for the Nintendo Switch - it's out now. It's been available on Steam since March 9th this year but has, alas, flown under my radar.

Get a free copy of the Cycle 28 soundtrack by joining their mailing list

onsdag 1 augusti 2018

Bullet Heaven review of Raid on Bungeling Bay

Raid on Bungeling Bay (1984) isn't what I'd describe as news per se but hey, it's a new review!

I used to play this on the C64 but was never a big fan.

Bullet Heaven review of Tempest 4000

Gets a bit of a panning over the controls but I know i'll get it anyway...