tisdag 29 oktober 2019
måndag 28 oktober 2019
It's chapter 5. The Dreamcast STG Chronicles continues
Hey, I helped fund this, all you have to do is watch!
Another nice episode of what is shaping up to be (as promised!) the definitive chronicling of the Dreamcast library of shmups/STGs.
Another nice episode of what is shaping up to be (as promised!) the definitive chronicling of the Dreamcast library of shmups/STGs.
bullet heaven,
castle of shikigami,
Deathsmiles for iOS is 40% off between Oct 28th and Nov 4th
If you want to try out playing shmups on your iOS device, now is the time!
Rival Megagun gets physical release on PS4 and Switch early next year
1st Press Games has announced that Rival Megagun will get a physical release in January of 2020.
Both Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch is targeted!
1st press gamed,
playstation 4,
rival megagun,
söndag 27 oktober 2019
Amiga STG Reshoot R has a new homepage
The new Amiga shmup (released back in May) Reshoot R has a new homepage where you can buy the game and/or its soundtrack. Also, besides the real old Amiga hardware version of the game, an AROS version is available.
lördag 26 oktober 2019
New R-Type brings new trailer, REbootEROIDS back in stock
With R-Type Final 2 on the way, the team has produced a new trailer:
The team behind Rebooteroids, unsurprisingly an Asteroids knock-off, for the Atari Jaguar tells us the game is back in stock. Also Asteroids fans will have a blast playing Rebooteroids with its rocking soundtrack and a variety of gameplay options, including simultaneous 2-player modes. We had another run of boxes printed since we exhausted the first run. New and updated manuals as well!
The team behind Rebooteroids, unsurprisingly an Asteroids knock-off, for the Atari Jaguar tells us the game is back in stock. Also Asteroids fans will have a blast playing Rebooteroids with its rocking soundtrack and a variety of gameplay options, including simultaneous 2-player modes. We had another run of boxes printed since we exhausted the first run. New and updated manuals as well!
fredag 25 oktober 2019
Panzer Dragoon Remake headed to Steam
The previously Switch exclusive Panzer Dragoon Remake has been confirmed to be heading for PC via Steam.
Here's hoping it sells well either way!
Here's hoping it sells well either way!
The Nintendo Switch Shmup/STG wiki is complete (for now)
Unless I have overlooked a title, I'm calling it: as of right now the Nintendo Switch Shmup/STG wiki is complete! I'm hoping more genre games are coming so I need to keep updating it of course
Absolutely no-one else helped me with it, so it's a solo project from me. You're welcome!
Seriously though, if you notice omissions or errors, feel free to add or correct. After all, it IS a wiki.
The goal is to list every shmup/stg/twin-stick/run'n'gun and related (sub-)genres game for Nintendo Switch.
Absolutely no-one else helped me with it, so it's a solo project from me. You're welcome!
Seriously though, if you notice omissions or errors, feel free to add or correct. After all, it IS a wiki.
The goal is to list every shmup/stg/twin-stick/run'n'gun and related (sub-)genres game for Nintendo Switch.
tisdag 22 oktober 2019
Panzer Dragoon remake to go physical
The Panzer Dragoon remake coming to Nintendo Switch is getting a physical release it was revealed today. More details are forthcoming...
I think it's fairly safe to say that Limited Run Games is the distributor.
More physicals, more fun!
I think it's fairly safe to say that Limited Run Games is the distributor.
More physicals, more fun!
måndag 21 oktober 2019
Vortex Attack EX is coming to Switch and Steam soon
The makers of Beekyr Reloaded are back with a new shmup, Vortex Attack EX, coming out in the next couple of days on both Steam and Switch.
lördag 19 oktober 2019
Zunius launches on Steam today
Zunius is a grand-spanking-new psychedelic rogue-like bullethell shooter. Yeah, really. Out today on Steam.
fredag 18 oktober 2019
Wii U(!) gets a shmup today: Space Intervention
The Wii U may or may not be pining for the fjords at this point but is it really dead? Space Intervention says no and challenges you to a Space Invaders-esque party.
space intervention,
space invaders,
wii u
torsdag 17 oktober 2019
Rolling Gunner getting DLC!
"Rolling Gunner" Additional content "Rolling Gunner Over Power" Coming soon! Please stay tuned.
Maybe this has been the hold-up for a physical (Switch) release? We can hope!
Maybe this has been the hold-up for a physical (Switch) release? We can hope!
måndag 14 oktober 2019
Harmful Park review from Bullet Heaven
And when you see the eye-watering price Harmful Park fetches these days remember that the PSIO is a thing.
EDIT: The video is down, again, for additional editing apparently. Stay tuned.
EDIT 2: Third time's the charm?
bullet heaven,
harmful park,
lördag 12 oktober 2019
C-Force is a new shmup in development, check it out!
C-Force Cetacean Force is a new shmup developed by Uruguayan outfit Dragonfly Game Studios.
I haven't seen a firm release date or even platform, but it looks cool!
I haven't seen a firm release date or even platform, but it looks cool!
fredag 11 oktober 2019
Debris Inifinity is available on Xbox One now
Already available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and Xbox 360, Debris Infinity is now available on the Xbox One too.
torsdag 10 oktober 2019
Syder Reloaded coming to Switch
Studio Evil has revealed Syder Reloaded, an enhanced version of the shoot ’em up Syder Arcade will be coming soon to Switch, though a specific release date hasn’t been announced.
onsdag 9 oktober 2019
Dezatopia is on its way to Switch and PC
Dezatopia is a new shmup from the makers of Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo.
It's coming Out later this year on Switch and PC and I have no idea why I haven't reported about this earlier. Oh well, better late than never!
It's coming Out later this year on Switch and PC and I have no idea why I haven't reported about this earlier. Oh well, better late than never!
tisdag 8 oktober 2019
I made a thing: The Nintendo Switch STG/Shmup WIKI is open
I may have threatened to do this, a wiki for the shmup/stg (and related) games for Nintendo Switch.
I include twin sticks and run'n'gun games for completeness.
Please help out, I have filled it up with entries but it still needs a lot of work.
I include twin sticks and run'n'gun games for completeness.
Please help out, I have filled it up with entries but it still needs a lot of work.
måndag 7 oktober 2019
Amiga is getting it's first Danmaku game: Hyperborea
Amiga DreamTeam is working on HyperBorea, a new Danmaku game for the Amiga.
Or as they put it:
World's first real Amiga 1200 Danmaku bullet hell classic vertically scrolling shmup Game! Requirements: stock A1200 or compatible! In this video: the bullet code has been further optimized - which allowed us to throw even more bullets around. And we added those typical small rotating oval Danmaku bullets too (those are aimed upwards in this video so that the two player-ships have a chance to survive ;) ). Up to around 250 bullets in this video... Okay, this will be it regarding the bullet-engine :) *This* is *real* bullet hell...
Or as they put it:
World's first real Amiga 1200 Danmaku bullet hell classic vertically scrolling shmup Game! Requirements: stock A1200 or compatible! In this video: the bullet code has been further optimized - which allowed us to throw even more bullets around. And we added those typical small rotating oval Danmaku bullets too (those are aimed upwards in this video so that the two player-ships have a chance to survive ;) ). Up to around 250 bullets in this video... Okay, this will be it regarding the bullet-engine :) *This* is *real* bullet hell...
onsdag 2 oktober 2019
SHMUPS Roundup for September from JP's Switchmania

Also, suddenly, news everywhere today. :)
R-Type Final 2 adds additional crowdfunding round
R-Type Final 2 was successfully kickstarted in just a single week with just under a cool million bucks collected. But why stop there? A new crowdfunding round is on the way for those who missed out that single, meager week on Kickstarter.
Seeing as Kickstarter has come out as union-busting assholes, I much prefer this crowdfunding round on the projects own website.
Seeing as Kickstarter has come out as union-busting assholes, I much prefer this crowdfunding round on the projects own website.
Engadget guide to pairing PS4/Xbone controllers to iOS/Android devices
A guide to pairing.
This is mostly new to iOS since newly released version 13 allows pairing, Android has done this for some time.
This is mostly new to iOS since newly released version 13 allows pairing, Android has done this for some time.
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